It is quite surprising when you sit and think about where all the time in one day goes? Twenty four hours is really a lot of time, but on most days it scarcely seems enough. This is because of certain misconceptions about time and time management. If we examine where all that time goes and try to find out if twenty four hours really is utilized, of course we would never say that we have wasted time.
We do not really get twenty four working hours in a day. Maybe it's because we always talk about the twenty four hours in a day, we get the feeling that we really do have twenty four hours to finish our daily business and the fact is that we do not. Assuming that we hit back the sack atleast in the night and taking for granted the fact that we need at least seven hours of sleep, we wake up at seven in the morning.
Thant means we have already lost seven hours, which we can deduct from twntey four, giving us only fourteen waking hours. Waking hours does not mean the hours we take to wakeup but the hours that we are awake. So, we have 14 hours in a day. Now if we think all those forteen hours can be used for productive work, we are wrong again.
Fourteen waking hours cannot be used completely for productive work. There are many things that a human being should do in order to continue to live like a human being. Some of these things do take considerable amount of our time. Some of the time that we have to dedicate for other activities like taking shower, answering nature's call, getting ourselves ready, eating, tome for relaxing, time to spend with family and friends etc.
All these regular day to day activities take at least 3 hours out of our fourteen daily hours. Now we are left with only 11 hours to do our business. The above mentioned category is voluntary time consuming activities that needed to be done.
There are some involuntary causes for the loss of time like Telephone calls, traffic jams, finding parking places, chatter boxes, meetings, breakdown of machinery, long waiting queues and we can keep on adding these frustrations.
So after overcoming all these hurdles, we do still have time to spend n our business daily. That means a very limited amount of time is also enough to attend to our business activities if we organize and manage our time properly. The better organized we are the better chance of managing our time effectively.
Organizing is a realtive term, not a term of convenience. A organized person has time for everything and everything is accommodated in his time. Best way to get organized is to identify the loop holes that we usually end up in a mess and see whether we can get around them.
We all often have pitfall like forgetting appointments, forgetting targets and deadlines, being late to the meetings, forgetting telephone numbers, names etc, the list goes on and on.
We have accept some facts about ourselves and take necessay alternatove solution to overcome our weekness. We cannot always rely on our momory, it is obvious that we tend to forget things if we accumulate too much of information at a time. Instead, we can use any latest gadget to store all the necessary data and information along with reminders, alarms etc so that we could be reminded of the schedules as and when required. This way a major portion of our business related stress can be relieved keeping our mind free from overlapping information.
The gratest advantage of preparing To Do list the previous day, before leaving the office and storing that information in a timely order would quite impressively help us to avoid overlapping the meetings are doing multiple work at the same time. But some time it becomes unavoidable to do multiple tasks at the same time. While doing this way, make sure tht one of those jobs is not very important and does not require much attention, otherwise, dividing attention to both the things might end up with two finished tasks that are in no way complete.
It all requires common sense to decide which multiple task you decide to do together at the same time. working while in flight or train would not affect your journey any way, but it would be awkward to use a toothpick while dictating an important letter.
Now that we have formulated a time management plan, everything is worked out and we have in hand a time table and TO DO list for the day and want to stick to this plan, but be cautious that there may arise some new issues that would obstruct the success of the plan to be implemented.
We will see some of the other aspects of time management in our coming articles
For Your Information:
Saturn and its rings
Saturn is the sixth planet, in order of revolution, in the family of the Sun. It has a diameter of 1,20,536 kilometers and is located in orbit about 1427 million kilometers away from the Sun. Saturn is about 95 times larger and has a surface gravity of 1.16 as compared to Earth. Moving at a speed of 9.6 kilometers per second it takes about 30 years to complete one revolution around the Sun and takes 10 hours and 39 minutes to complete one rotation on its axis.
It has 23 moons which revolve around it. Because of its distance from the Sun, Saturn is a cold planet and the temperature on surface vary from -180 degree to -292 degree centigrade. Saturn is one of the four planets which has rings around it. These rings, made of millions of fragments of rocks coated with ice, surround this distant planet. It is not confirmed how these rings were formed but it is assumed that these rings are fragments of moons which broke apart and were suspended around the planet millions of years ago. Saturn's rings are about 22 times bigger than Earth's diameter, they are however only a few kilometers thick.
Some of the rings have a larger number of frozen rock clusters as a result of which more light gets reflected which in turn explains why the rings are of different colours.
One of the moons circulating this planet is the largest sattelite known to man, called 'Titan'. It has a diameter of 5120 km and is bigger than both Pluto and Mercury. Saturn is the second fastest rotating planet next to Jupitor. It is only in the last few decades that we have come to know a lot about Saturn. This was made possible through visits to saturn by Unmanned spacecraft sent from Earth. Saturn was first visited by the unmanned Pioneer XI space probe in 1979 and subsequently in 1986 by the Voyager I and Voyager II space probes. Both the space probes sent back invaluable pictures of the planet Saturn.
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